Sunday, September 16, 2007

! Help!

What should I call my show/video? It is a video of my working desk, like, a horizonatal pan of it. Then there's another horizontal pan (I mean a tracking shot, I guess) from a higher angle. Then one from a higher angle still. The desk has on it the fake objects I make out of Fimo along with the real objects and a bunch of normal working crap like pens and shit. Some things that you can see from the front you can't see from the top, and vice versa. Then the camera does a continuous aerial shot of the desk, stopping to 'look' at various things and framing them into compositions based on similarities between objects. All the while there are subtitles that get sillier and sillier as you go along, telling you how to look at the objects, and what to think about while you look at them.

It's fairly obscure.

You've got 10 hours to make suggestions.

Throw me a line here!


wortwut said...

OK, that's, like, 8 hours to go now!

wortwut said...

Anonymity is no problem!

wortwut said...

Ok, in the next 30 minutes ...

teigan said...

Hey, I found this eight minutes before the deadline

But I don't know the answer

"Stuff On My Working Desk"

What's the, y'know, conceptual essence of the piece?

teigan said...

Coz that would be the key to a genius clever title.

Failing that, go straightforward and descriptive.

wortwut said...

Well it was worth a try. I've got some pretty creative readers, yanno. ... who never comment here.

Just sayin.

wortwut said...

conceptual essence, schmonceptual essence.

teigan said...

[I've got some pretty creative readers, yanno. ... who never comment here.]


(My suggestion *was* completely useless.. but all the same..)

So what did you end up calling it?

wortwut said...

I'm not telling. It's too lame.

wortwut said...

Ok, it's Instructions for a Still Life

I'll post sommat when I got it.

no, really.