Sunday, April 15, 2007

La di da

I am listening to the Animal Collective. They make me feel great. Or maybe it's the sun, or the fact that I'm solving this icky video problem.

My video was going to be bits like this

But now it's gonna look more like this (below - damn! how to fix this?).

Plus some other ways. You have to picture it moving yourself. I can't give the ending away.


teigan said...

I don't understand; what is the problem?

Anonymous said...

I want the writing at the side to go underneath the first image ...

Mishuki said...

In the img style attributes, change 'text-align:left' to 'text-align:center'.

So why did you change yr video?

Hope your WOH is going wheel.

wortwut said...

Does WOH stand for Week Of Hell, or am I projecting? In any case, yes, it's got a lot better. Everything is very TIGHT but it's all gonna work (goddamnit).

Re my video - the Funny Thing is that it now has both shots (and some more) on two channels. *Spoilers* Things go left to right, right to left. Things get drawn. Papers get blown. Then there is a big messy tangle of cords that seems to make some people uncomfortable.

Technical question again: how can i post video here so that it's small and plays fast?

teigan said...

Yes. Yay! Look forward to seeing.

Convert it to a small quicktime mov, upload it to a webhosting account of some kind (i would offer use of mine but space is limited and I need it) and embed it in your post using the following tags (ie in angle brackets):

embed src="" autostart="false" width=[WIDTH IN PIXELS] height=[HEIGHT IN PIXELS]


It might be easier to just upload it to a YouTube account and use the embed tag they provide. But the quality will be, y'know, YouTube quality.

wortwut said...

ok, ta.


Don't expect to see this anytime soon though.

>In the img style attributes, change 'text-align:left' to 'text-align:center'

... where? oh, I shouldn't do this at work ...