Tuesday, September 11, 2007

odd feeling in belly shock

I feel WEIRD.

What's that they say, I feel peculiar I think I should go outside or something?

I have all these projects still to be done. Yesterday I told my supervisor who is working full time and finishing his law degree on the weekends that the only way out is through.

Why can't I take my own advice?

Take it already! Jeez.


Anonymous said...

aha! but read the the whole story, if ye haven't already.

subtly ironic little quote, tis.

(summary translation: don't forget to be good to yerself :)

(why can't i take my own advice heh ...)


wortwut said...

No I had never read that! Now I have. I didn't realise it was a quote, except from conventional wisdom. I said goodbye to poetry in 1995, and now I say, in the immortal words of Shelly Long, hello again!
I totally relate to this cup half empty mentality. It's good, this:
'It's rest I want ... from doing things over and over that just won't stay done.'
I feel like that about cooking. So I'm living on toast, tea and small chocolate koalas.

Anonymous said...

currently devouring box of crunchy nut cradled in lap whilst working.

enormous sense of well-being and can-do derived from giving up on healthy eating for the next week, going to the petrol station mini mart across the road, and stocking up on chocolate covered peanuts, chocolate covered raisins, chocolate biscuits, aforementioned box of crunchy nut, and in a fleeting concession to nutrition, jar of salsa.

(no idea how that last one is going to fit into the snackathon picture.)

wortwut said...

Salsa as nutrition; intriguing.

I've decided that it's OK to live on toast if it has avocado spread on it. That means I'm covering the fruit and vegetables food group.

If it all becomes too much, might I recommend trail mix? It's high impact on protein, low impact on prep.

Courage, J!

Anonymous said...

Mmmmm -- avocado on toast is yum. Also good on bagels. (As T will attest, I *do* loves my bagels. Haven't had one in ages, tho ...)

Trail mix = good, too. Praps I will veer in that direction if these uber-unhealthy snax don't last the week.

(Er, as this rate they'll be lucky if they last the night. I don't think I've had this much sugar in one night since Halloween of 79 ...)