Sunday, October 21, 2007

Five More Weeks

Man, I wish they'd hurry up and have this election already. I can't stand the suspense.


teigan said...


If Labor wins, that'll be nice. They probably will.

And if they don't.. no change.


wortwut said...

Yes, well, but you see, well, yes, but you don't have to listen to all of it.

But I spose it's edumacational and all.

teigan said...

Indeed I don't. Point is: I ain't in any great state of suspense.

Edumacational? That's exactly what They want you to think!!

Everything I need to know about conventional politics I already learned.. in, like, kindergarten.

wortwut said...

whatevs. you're like, so above me in the knowing everything stakes.

There is much to be learned from AM talkback radio, you know.

teigan said...

Each to their own.

I just have no particular interest, mesel. Whether Labor or the Libs are in power will have only a very minor impact on my life; I don't believe in our political system and I refuse to get sucked into wasting my energy on caring about it.

But each to their own.

wortwut said...

For a start, I have to pay attention to it for my job, which depends on news cycles and all that malarkey. And I think good leadership could make a difference to people's lives. Bad leadership certainly does.

teigan said...

Yeah, we're talking at cross-purposes

Never mind