Tuesday, April 08, 2008


I just found orange Fimo in my doona.

Thing is, I haven't made any orange objects on my bed.


I'm manifesting my Fimo dreams into material reality.

I dreamt about Fimo again last night. I had little beige bits that I was slicing up on my desk. It was naturalistic and earthworks-y. In my dream I was happy.

Anyway. Better get on with it.


teigan said...

That's totally Nightmare On Elm St and shit. Except happy, and with Fimo.

wortwut said...

I must have been sleep-fimoing. Like last night, I watched a whole episode of The Mighty Boosh Season 3 and today I don't remember a word of it. Just woke up to the final credits frame in QuickTime.

wortwut said...

*adopts worried tone* I hope this doesn't mean the episode was rubbish.

teigan said...

Nah man, it was surely you.

wortwut said...

I don't know, it's no Season One.