Wednesday, March 18, 2009


I am losing my fabulous studio.

It was enormous, fabulous, free, and mine.

But I knew it wouldn't last forever.

Here it is, in happier times (detail):

I also haven't found a new house yet. I hope this will happen soon. I will have to do some major purging.

I'm trying to write an artist's statement that somehow says everything. It's hard.

I think I will post more often. Will that please you?


teigan said...


I have an idea tonight and my brain is going ping ping

I am putting off writing it all down in notes form out of fear that said notes will not say everything. Which is silly.

teigan said...

ION: Re studio: :/

wortwut said...

You should always write your idea down. If the written down-ness doesn't say everything, change how you wrote it until it does.

anna said...

you're back!

that sucks about your studio. that sucks big hairy balls.

looks like i'll be losing tokyo and gaining hong kong later this year so i've been practicing acceptance of things i would not have chosen myself.