Friday, July 03, 2009

Statistical negligibility

I just did a double take upon closing my Blogger window at the new tab, 'monetize'.

WTF?, I asked myself.

Apparently I can put ads on my blog. It claims:

"AdSense for content automatically crawls the content of your pages and delivers ads (you can choose both text or image ads) that are relevant to your audience and your site content—ads so well-matched, in fact, that your readers will actually find them useful."

Curious, I thought. My readership is so low and my content so negligible that I cannot imagine what the ads would contain that could possibly make them relevant. I'm almost tempted to do it, just to see what Adsense makes of La Di Da.

It would like having the blog reviewed by a bot. Automated interpretation: intriguing.


teigan said...

You've never heard of AdSense? It's less intriguing than it sounds.

Based on the content of this page, I hypothesise it will serve your readership ads for statistical analysis, monetization, ad delivery, bots, relief from boredom, and possibly paper and/or scissors.

wortwut said...

Yeah, no, obvs. I've heard of it, but never considered that it might apply to me from this end.