Friday, November 06, 2009

More upbeat

I have these times when I want to do paintings/become a painter. That might happen, one day. But other times I want to become a writer (again). Both have the same problem in them; content/subject.

What of/about?

So silly. It's best just to do things, and not worry or anticipate or plan. You can always make it good later if it's crap at the start.


I'm feeling a little more upbeat now.

Here's a picture of something I made recently:

Just doing anything at all is usually the biggest problem for me. I think I need to do more that's messy. Precious schmecious (if you will).


Hamish said...

Not interested in the NaNoWriMo?

I managed it last year and I reeaalllly wanted to do it this year too but... no time!

Tom Polo said...

hey, why the pen?

wortwut said...

Hamish: NaNoWriMo? ... me? I've never really considered it before. But no time, you see. No time. That is what happens. One fills one's time up with silliness.

How were your results? Were you pleased with what you wrote, or is that so patently not the point that I shouldn't ask??

wortwut said...

Tom: why the pen? Because if you're making a maquette and you need something silver and sharp and long and pointy part-esque that is at hand for your maquette, then that would be it.

Hamish said...

It's great because the hard part (ie, writing the thing) is over in one month.

The point is, it's always going to be pretty awful, but at least you've got 50,000 words. You can edit it in the following month or two months.

wortwut said...

Hamish: did you plan what you were going to write before November? Or just, like, free-form? I want to know ... I do like this idea but I can't ever imagine being free enough to do it. Although of course Foucault says[said] we're all freer than we feel. Which intuitively makes sense. So probably there's another reason why I have not done this thing. Something to do with the option paralysis you get once you know there are more things you'd like to do than can be done in a human lifespan (let alone in a particularly slobby procrastinatey lifespan). It's like once I started with Bookmooch and now I have about a hundred books waiting to be read and I can't probably read more than about 30-35 in a year at best, so it's as though I already have all the books I can read in the next three years. That's not a fun concept; that everything I'm going to read in the next three years is already on my shelf. I have to believe I will ditch some of them for unknown books. But I digress.

teigan said...