Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Another 'post not posted' post

I was going to post the most ugly invite in the world but I've decided that it would be churlish.

You'll just have to be content with a mental image of me shaking my head sadly.

Also: note to electoral commissioner - next time make voters mark their ballots in red pen. This will save electoral officers a significant amount of back pain/eye strain. Also, any voter who picks the ballot up and says 'is this the liberal paper?' as though we hand out one ballot for libs and one for labs, should have the ballot snatched back off them and not be allowed to vote.

I wish I spoke Greek. And some other languages. let's say ... Japanese, Arabic, French, Spanish, Hungarian.

People. I just don't understand 'em. (Maybe once I get on top of all those languages ...)

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