Thursday, June 07, 2007

Who and why

So I'm trying to work out which internationally acclaimed artist I would most want to study with if I had the choice. It's for an application. You know what? I think no-one. Maybe Bruce Nauman. As if. Anyway, I just read an [old] interview with him where he explains why he doesn't have an assistant. He says something like that would mean he would have to have so much of the work thought out in advance already, in order to hand the work over to someone else to do, that he wouldn't be able to do the thinking out and working out of the problems that to him is the work. Of course I'm hyper-mega-paraphrasing. So I'd like to work with him. That is, the only club I want to be a member of isn't taking applications, which is why I'd like to join.

Art and travel plans can be very inhibiting, and explaining things can be a feeling-of-discovery-killer. Sometimes you just need to make/go. Or is this just an excuse for procrastinating on that stupid application. What do I want to do with all that money in the unlikely event that someone gives it to me? Whatever sounds good that comes up that I can get into, alright?


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