Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Teasing out step three


teigan said...

notes 'fimo' tag

waits patiently

teigan said...

Man, how long does it take to recharge a battery?!

wortwut said...

I am very busy and stressed out so you can just WAIT

teigan said...

*gets back in box*

teigan said...

A pranky conceptual project involving placing red fimo 'sold' dots on pieces in someone else's show? Am I warm?

wortwut said...

only on the ones he sold but.

it was very subtle.

wortwut said...

you know, since i made all those dots, i've realised no-one uses those big red ones any more. now they wither use black (sooo chic) or fluoro orange (soooo self aware) and they're usually a size smaller (soooo considered).

but i like the classics.

you couldn't even tell they weren't real.

wortwut said...

sorry for any inconvenience that this build up may have caused

teigan said...

you couldn't even tell they weren't real.


n****c** once did something similar

not just on sold pieces though - that's so safe, man

you are not a fearless artist

sorry for any inconvenience that this build up may have caused

not really good enough

i demand more frequent bloggage from now on by way of compensation

yes i do

teigan said...

I may come back later when i haven't just gotten out of bed and leave a less cranky-sounding comment

wortwut said...

it was less a prank than a show-within-a-show. LOLCAT notwithstanding.

teigan said...

Show-within-a-show is good

Things-within-other-things-of-the-same-class is good

Metastructures etc

Pranks are better though. Watch this awesome interview with Boyd Rice.

teigan said...

I just realised this doesn't have my favourite BR pranking story in it, which is this one:

" M: You've got a reputation as a shit-stirrer. l was wondering if you could enlighten us about what "pranking" is all about?

BR: It started out when I was a kid. I always assumed that I was going to be a criminal when I grew up. I thought, what can I do to fit into this world? You know, l didn't want to hold a job five days a week, eight hours a day, so I thought well, I'm a criminal. So my pranks were basically a form of, an expression of sociopathic behaviour or something. It was kind of trying to see how you could fuck with people, get them to do what you want. . . make the rats go through the maze the way you want them to go through. So a lot of it I think was that. Plus, when I was younger I was very misanthropic, and it was just kind of like my way of getting back at people. Sort of screwing people but having fun at the same time.

M: Are you still a misanthrope?

BR: Oh, yes. Dye in the wool misanthrope.

M: Could you tell us about a couple of your favourite pranks that you have done?

BR: I like the one where I got the woman to beat her child over the phone. I said I was from the Animal Control Bureau, and that her child had been seen in the yard holding these deadly, poisonous snakes. And she was saying, "My son doesn't have any snakes. I'm sure if he had I'd know." Eventually I convinced the woman that her son did have snakes but he was hiding them from her. Keeping them under the bed- or something. So she calls the kid in and says, "Do you have any snakes? This man is from the government now, I want you to tell me." The kid says, "No mom I don't have any snakes." So she comes back on the phone and she says, "My son says he doesn't have any snakes, and he wouldn't lie to me, my son's never lied to me." But still I hammered away at her, ( said, "Look, if a snake gets out and kills somebody in your neighbourhood, your son's not going to be responsible for a crime, you will be." And so I fear-batter her into believing that her son did have these snakes and she called him in again screaming, "You little liar! You tell me where those snakes are!" And the kid's going, "I don't have any man!" And she's slapping the kid around . . . . I thought that was a good one."

teigan said...

I don't know how I got onto this subject. Oh yeah - pranks as art, man. Messing With Peoples' Minds - It's What All The Best Art Does.

Okay, I have cleaning to do now.

wortwut said...

I feel better now that we've cleared up what The Best Art does.

I did always wonder.

teigan said...


I'm also available for weddings, bah mitzvahs, etc

Try the veal etc

(Of course tomorrow I'll think something different. But that's what All The Best Art Does today.)

wortwut said...

