Monday, July 06, 2009

If I gave up art

I could
* spend more time with my friends and family
* save money
* read more books
* learn (a) language/s
* be more interested in my job, which is not uninteresting, and do it better
* take up a proper exercise program
* cook more and hence eat better
* take up sewing, crochet, carpentry, or any other skill or craft
* be at peace

It's a theory, anyway.


teigan said...

Why do art? (Proper question, like.)

anna said...

as if.

thats my two cents.

wortwut said...

t: I'm still thinking about that. I'm not sure at the moment.

a: heh. Probably.

wortwut said...

Why do art? (Proper question, like.)

Honestly Teigs, at the moment it's kind of hard to come up with a good reason. I'm completely unmotivated; I feel lazy and overwhelmed and like it all amounts to nothing. I've lost momentum. I'm filled with a nihilistic attitude towards it and a general sense of meaningless regarding my involvement in the discipline, beyond the community, which I feel like is real and rewarding. I think it's become work. Or I'm actually just too short of time for everything and this is bringing me down. I do not know. But I'm kind of feeling crippled by it.

wortwut said...

When are you coming to visit?

teigan said...

see email

teigan said...

all sorts of things i could say to this

welcome to my world of the last nine or however many months

i'm turning the corner slowly but there's a ways to go

for me the trick creatively is to find & pursue the things that genuinely interest you and get you excited but at the moment there's huge frustration in re this sense that I used to Know (even if I didn't always consciously know) what the thread I was pulling Basically Was - and it rarely failed to lead to awesomeness

whereas at the moment I find myself chasing after all kinds of tangental things which deep down I know aren't actually It

it's interesting you say the Community has real value coz that's something i've always shunned / been afraid of / seen as a corrupting & distracting influence

the Art World seems so full of bullshit which has nothing to do with actual Work, which is where it's at

although after catching up with RH last night which as always I found hugely interesting, inspiring and encouraging I wonder if that's crap & a copout

and it makes me happy, coz community is Good

dunno dunno