Saturday, January 12, 2008


Welcome to previously unacknowledged readers.

Life in 2008 is going to be interesting. It is interesting already. I have felt like I have a new life with greater frequency of late. I mean, lately I have more frequently experienced the feeling that my life has taken an interesting new turn. That's what I mean.

I like it: it's good. I also know the most amazing people, for which I consider myself very fortunate. I also have a strong feeling of my own autonomy that I don't always feel. Instead of the guilty feeling that it's all about me. [Which it still, of course, is.] I'm feeling perspectival clarity instead of the regularly programmed perspectival distortion. Or maybe I'm just distorting things positively for a change, who knows. I believe it's perspectival accuracy.

Just got to kick this fucked up sleeping pattern.

And eat something.

I'm going to watch No Country For Old Men tonight.

1 comment:

teigan said...

I'm feeling perspectival clarity instead of the regularly programmed perspectival distortion. Or maybe I'm just distorting things positively for a change, who knows. I believe it's perspectival accuracy.

Semantic minefield! Sounds good, but.

My colleague Johnny Coburg will shortly be in a position to sell you a t-shirt saying "Liable For Nothing". (This is his branding concept. I think it's going to be huge.) But from the sounds of things you don't even need one.

What am I saying? Everyone needs one.

My 2008 has been pretty good so far. I'm being quite lazy but refusing to feel bad about it. Which is unlike me. So in a sense I'm challenging myself. It's going quite nicely. I feel alive and like interesting things are going on, and like I'm changing.

I will probably go see NCFOM on Monday or Tuesday with the person I was going to see it with last Monday, except we didn't get our act together in time.